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Chawson First School

Caring, sharing, learning together

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Week 3

Week 2


Welcome to the second weekly blog from Class RB. The children have had an amazing third week in school and have thoroughly enjoyed staying for longer after lunchtime. Here are a few photos of the children enjoying there first few weeks in school. 

Forest School


The children really enjoyed their first visit to forest school this week. They loved exploring the natural area, searching for minibeasts and playing hide-and-seek! 



This week we have continued teaching phonics, learning another four phonemes. Remember that next week we will be delivering our parent workshops all about early reading and phonics. If you haven't yet handed in your reply slip please do! Below are the phonemes that we have learnt this week. 

Home Learning 

On Friday your child would have received a home learning book. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to contribute to your child's learning journey in Reception. Please complete the weekly activity and return the book to school on a Tuesday. We can't wait to look at them next week! 

Lots of learning in RB


Now that the children are in school full-time, there are plenty of opportunities for the children to engage in adult-led and child-initiated activities. Here is a brief overview of a typical day in class RB. 


8:40 (Funky Fingers) - the children take part in activities that strengthen their hands and fingers, reading for writing! 


8:50 (Register, Phonics and toast!) 


9:30 (Choosing time) - the children choose their own learning inside the classroom or outside 


10:30 (Maths)


10:45 (Choosing time) 


11:30 (Literacy)


11:45 (Lunchtime!)


1:00 (Carpet session and choosing time)


2:30 (Story session and home time)

Have a fantastic weekend and I hope the children are ready for another fun week at school on Monday! 


Mr Bartle and the RB team.
