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Chawson First School

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Week 5

Budding Gardeners!


After planting our own green beans last week we were delighted to see that a couple of shoots can already be seen! The children are now becoming a little competitive over who's plant is going to grow the most! 

We discussed all the things that plants need to grow and have also decided to do some gardening in our outdoor area...this has been great fun and the children have loved getting involved, using spades to move the compost and planting the seeds. It will be lovely to see our vegetable patch growing over the coming months.

The children have been fascinated finding out which vegetables and fruits grow above or under the ground. 



We have continued to read our book 'Supertato' and have been doing some wonderful writing about 'Supertato', using wonderful adjectives which the children came up with to describe him. The children wrote WANTED posters for 'Supertato' and it has made me so proud to see how independent they are becoming with their writing.  


We have explored number bonds to 10 this week using lots of different resources. The children enjoyed thinking about the sizzling sausages in a pan, if 3 were burnt how many sausages were not burnt? The children are becoming much more confident at recalling these number facts.

Number bonds to 10:

0 + 10

1 + 9

2 + 8

3 + 7 

4 + 6 

5 + 5


As the weather has been so lovely this week we decided to take our P.E lesson outside. We continued to practise our ball skills and underarm throwing aiming for a target- we had a great time!

Forest School

The children enjoyed building mini bug houses this week during Forest School. They worked in pairs to find suitable materials to keep their bug sheltered. 

The wonderful sunshine has certainly made an appearance this week and it has been great to learn outdoors as much as possible. 

Please remember to provide your child with a named sun hat and apply suncream before your child comes to school. 


Have a wonderful weekend.


Miss Parker & The RP Team smiley
