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Chawson First School

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Week 12

Week 12 

The children have really enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit this week - we have been very busy rehearsing for the Christmas performance and the children are very excited to perform in front of their grown-ups! 


This week in maths we have been learning to compose and de-compose numbers to five. This is where we look at different arrangements of numbers two to five. The children then explain in their own words what their arrangement looks like. E.g. 'I know there are four because I can see two at the bottom and two at the top'. 


This week in phonics we have been continuing to learn digraphs (two letters making one sound). For example ship, ring and pink. The phonemes are below: 




Hearing tests 

Just a reminder that if you haven't already signed up to receive your child's hearing test results, then please do this as soon as possible. The hearing tests will take place on Monday 5th December. The letter is attached below. 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. 


Mr Bartle and the RB team 
