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Chawson First School

Caring, sharing, learning together

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Week 4

We have been learning all about colours. We have focused on the colours red, blue and yellow this week. The children have enjoyed our very first maths focus carpet sessions, which includes a song of the week and learning altogether as a group. Our song of the week was '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive'. 


The children have also enjoyed exploring Pre-school with plenty of opportunities to name colours, sort by colour and even spot the odd one out colour games. 


We enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to one of our Pre-schoolers turning 4! We look forward to celebrating all of our pre-schooler's turning 4 throughout this year and next!


At the end of the week we were very excited to receive out first visit from Bonnie, our school dog. The children were so well behaved and listened to the rules of how to keep Bonnie safe. 
