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Chawson First School

Get in touch

Week 1

Welcome back!

It was lovely to see the children again after the Easter break eager to learn and eager to explore our new classroom layout! After the ceiling work in the holidays Mrs Rushton, Miss Felton and myself came into school to put the furniture back and after seeing the space we started exploring some different options before settling on our new design. We are loving the position of the new art table and art resources near the window. We love the different areas that have been created including a playdoh table and a maths table and our home corner is getting lots of use in its new location too. 

Lots of vegetables!

This week we started our new topic which combines learning all about growing, vegetables and story telling. We started reading our new story Supertato and did some amazing work on creating character descriptions and using conjunctions. The children really impressed me!


In understanding the world the children explored some different vegetables using their senses of sight, touch and smell. The next day we started to look at how vegetables grow - under the soil or above the soil on a plant.

Little Wandle - Phonics

This week the children have been showing off their phonics knowledge in a half termly assessment. You will find the progress update sheet in your child's reading book highlighting any sounds they need to practise and any tricky words that they couldn't recall. I was really impressed with the children's tricky words and would like to thank the parents who have clearly been taking the time to practise these words regularly. This half term we will learn some more tricky words and I will send home the list next week for you to have at home.

What is this string for?

On Friday we were exploring measure and using the words longer and shorter. We cut a piece of string the same length as our foot and then found objects in the classroom that were longer or shorter than our foot length.

Also this week

Building and threading!

Certificates this week

Reading and vision awards - Independent, Articulate and Aspirational.


Hope you have a fabulous weekend and the sun continues to shine.

As always please ask if there is anything we can help with.


Mrs Rudkin and the hardworking RR team
