Week 7
What a wonderful week!
I can't quite believe that we're already at the end of Summer 1. The children have been amazing if not a little tired as we entered the week. Hopefully everyone will be able to recharge their batteries over the holidays (staff included) ready to go back for our final half term together.
After half term children will need to come in a pair of trainers with their PE kit on Mondays as we will be taking our PE lessons outside in preparation for Sports Day.
Trainers should be plain dark or plain white to match the school policy. They will of course be worn in Year 1 for PE so they'll get plenty of wear out of them.
Join the animal train!
Date for your diaries - Friday 14th June - Music Festival
Come dressed as an animal, this can be any animal that the children would like from a dog, cat, bird to a dinosaur!
The children dress up in a full costume or add accessories to their own clothes.
Brilliant ball skills
We had a brilliant PE lesson this week focusing on beginning to control the ball with our feet and then picking it up.
Bug hunting!
We all put our looking eyes on this week in Forest School to look for minibeasts. We thought about the environments that they like to hide in. We looked under rocks, under logs and in trees. We found spiders, beetles, worms and even a newt! (not technically a minibeast - but a great find)

The very hungry caterpillars!
While searching for minibeasts in Forest School we spotted some caterpillars that had made their home on a bush in an amazing web. We took them back to the classroom to observe. Mrs Rudkin snipped off fresh leaves every day and we loved watching them munch the leaves. On Friday Mrs Rudkin returned them to Forest school. We are going to keep an eye out for them in Forest School over the next few weeks to see if we see any moths.
World Bee Day and honey
We celebrated World Bee day by looking at our favourite type of bee. The honey bee. We watched how bees make honey, how beekeepers extract honey and then we tasted some - delicious!

There's a worm at the bottom of the garden
The children all enjoyed making fantastic wool wrapped worms this week. Carefully cutting the worms out before wrapping them in wool.

Also this week...
We've been programming bee bot, looking at numbers one more and one less and making zoos.
Friday Celebrations
In class celebration assembly this week.
Fantastic readers.
Lunchtime award
Articulate - Aspirational - Independent
Half Term
Have a wonderful Half term - I hope it doesn't rain all week!
We return on Tuesday 4th June
Mrs Rudkin and the fabulous RR team