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Chawson First School

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Week 1

Welcome Back! 


The children have really enjoyed their first week back after half-term. We have enjoyed talking about fireworks and learnt about Remembrance Day.


The children really enjoyed talking about the fireworks that they have seen and heard recently. We thought of words that could describe fireworks and came up with our own firework poem. Some of the words we thought of were: Whoosh! Zap! Crackle! Pop! Whizz! The children also enjoyed making firework pictures in forest school. 


The children spent the last part of the week learning about the significance of poppies at this time of year. We spoke about Remembrance Day and why poppies are used as a symbol to remember. The children have really enjoyed lots of poppy activities this week! 

This week we have been reading... 


The children have enjoyed learning poems from the book 'Wriggle and Roar - Rhymes to Join in With' by Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt' 

Have a great weekend!


Mr Bartle and the RBS team
