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Chawson First School

Caring, sharing, learning together

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Remote learning

Used during COVID restrictions, not currently being used by school as all children are expected to be in school unless unwell.

New remote learning information April 2022

If your child is off due to COVID but well enough to continue learning, we ask that families access the Oak Academy website for work while off school.

There are clear daily and weekly lessons in a range of subjects.

We would also like children to read daily and access Times Tables Rock Stars (KS2) or Numbots (KS1).

One piece of work a day or a diary should be emailed to the school office.

Please click the link below to access the main website classroom-


Once in the classroom click schedule to then select the appropriate year group for your child. 


Each year group has a week of activities which provides a number of lesson for your child to access.



We recognise that home learning isn't for everyone, if you are finding it difficult to engage your child in the Oak Academy units please click on the 'alternative activities' button below for a range of activities to do which you could then email into school. 

Remote learning information September 2021

COVID absence/remote learning flow chart-

I'm waiting for a test pack-

If your child is absent from school due to concerns about corona virus and you are waiting for a test, we have created a pack of work and activities to be completed at home. The packs do not follow the work taking place in school but focus on skills from the National Curriculum. 

Please click on the document below to access the pack- 


I'm waiting for a test pack 2021

Bubble closure-

In the event of a bubble closure all activities will be available here.
