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Chawson First School

Caring, sharing, learning together

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This school believes that it is always unacceptable for a child to experience abuse of any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children. We will provide staff and volunteers with guidance to follow when they suspect a child may be experiencing abuse or at risk of harm. We will work co-operatively with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first - unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.


The Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection is Lindsay wood.

The Deputy Designated Persons for child protection are Nicola Peck, Karen Sage and Emma Bartle.

The Governor with responsibility for child protection is Vicky Moloney.

The attendance lead is Emma Bartle.



To confidentially share a safeguarding concern with school email: [email protected] 



We will review our policy and procedures on an annual basis.

We ensure our volunteers are aware of their role in Safeguarding children at Chawson through our Volunteer safeguarding leaflet. 
We are also part of Operation Encompass, a national project which is being run locally in partnership with Worcestershire County Council and West Mercia Police. Please click below for more information-

Prevent risk assessment and policy -

Providing help for children and families is an important aspect of our school life.

Please click below to read out Early Help statement.
