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Chawson First School

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Week 5

We have continued our theme of colour this week, exploring and sorting objects by their colour. Some children have even started to understand finding the 'odd one out' when comparing by colour. Our maths song of the week was 'one potato, two potato'. We all had a giggle watching the following song , you could enjoy watching this at home and singing along!


Even though we are now in October, we are still enjoying the warm weather outside, making the most of playing with no rain coats (yet!) The children were learning to balance and create their own obstacle courses, even helping each other along. 


To encourage children to 'mark make', we have started making 'squiggles' along the long roll of paper, which we all enjoyed. Children are starting to chose a preferred hand to draw with and are encouraged to hold their pencil with a comfortable grip using fingers and thumb. 




