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Chawson First School

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Week 3

What a busy week!

The children have worked really hard this week and had lots of fun too. We have one more week cycling with the wonderful Jayne. The children have improved so much it has been a joy to watch.



We started the week with our PE lesson. We have been learning how to put moves together into a sequence to create a dance over the last few weeks. This week we used scarves to pretend to be fireworks. We had brilliant fun.

Past and present

We have been sorting farm machinery images into past and present and giving our reasons as to why we chose to put it in the past or now.

World Book Day

The children had a lovely day listening and celebrating stories. We swopped reception teachers and the lovely Mrs Grant came and read RR a story. Bonnie came to say hello - who was looking very cosy in her pyjamas. We listened to Mrs Rudkin's very funny book about pants and designed our own. As a extra surprise we welcomed the local author Flora Paneser (and TA at Chawson) who read her new book to all the reception children. Her book is available at Droitwich WHSmith to purchase.

It's nearly Spring...

The children did a fantastic job of using watercolours to paint their observational drawings from week.

Also this week

The children have made flowers for our display, decorate sheep and coloured pigs, played with dinosaurs, built towers and eaten snack!

Next week uniform

Monday - Forest school uniform - PE and Forest School

Tuesday - Forest School uniform - Last balanceability

Wednesday - Forest School uniform - Trip to farm

Thursday - Normal uniform

Friday - Normal uniform.



Farm Trip

We are really looking forward to our trip to the farm next week. Children will need to wear Forest school clothing and a warm coat. Hat and gloves are optional but a good idea if it is cold as we are outside all day. We will take our Forest School wellies and wear the school waterproof trousers if it is cold or wet.

Children will need to bring a packed lunch or order one in advance from school, this must be done the day before. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Rudkin and the awesome RR team.
