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Chawson First School

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Useful websites

Government information February 2021-

Supporting your child during remote education

Parents and carers should not feel that they need to set work for their child.

However, the resources below can help you plan your child’s days during this period. These resources may also be useful for pupils and students to use alongside the work provided by their school or college.

If you need further support, we encourage you to speak to your child’s school or college about their remote education offer.

Engaging children at home

The Education Endowment Fund has produced support resources for parents. These include:

  • ways to support your child’s reading at home
  • advice on how to establish a routine with your child

Mental health and wellbeing

You can read guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Guidance for the public on the mental health and wellbeing aspects of coronavirus (COVID-19) is also available.

The following organisations offer information and support on mental health and wellbeing:


Resources for parents of children with SEND


Additional educational resources

Your child’s school or college may suggest resources on their website.

The following examples are used by many schools and teachers, but parents may find them useful too:

Educational Psychology Support for Parents Homeschooling

This is a friendly video for parents of primary children with Additional Needs/Special Education Needs. It offers parents some ideas to support them in home.

The Rona Hub-

Worcestershire County Council launched The Rona Hub, for younger communities in the county. Aimed primarily at people under 30, the site is designed to help young people access the latest advice and support on Coronavirus-

BBC primary teaching resources-
