Week 6
Phonics, funky fingers and Christmas fun.
The children have all been working very hard on their phonics this week and I had the pleasure of recording their latest assessments where they have all made fantastic progress. Many of the children know their Phase 2 sounds and some are blending with confidence. You should all be very proud of the progress they have made - learning to read is the most amazing thing to witness and I love teaching phonics.
We have continued to rehearse our Nativity play and have completed two rehearsalas in our costumes ready to perform it to the school on Monday. All the children are trying hard to get dressed independently - we may be a little late out next Wednesday because of this.
If you need any more tickets I have a few spare for each performance.
Funky Fingers
Every morning from 8.30am we complete activities that help us gain strength in our fingers. This week they have all been Christmas themed. We created trees using beads, placed buttons on jumpers, build winter themed lego models and coloured in beautiful baubles.
Christmas fun
We have been putting our art and design skills to good use this week, printing trees and joining using staples to create paper chains. To help with our fine motor development we have been threading beads onto pipe cleaners to make snowflakes and peeling sprouts!
Next week
Monday - performing to the school
Tuesday - 9am Performance to adults
Wednesday - Christmas jumper/school uniform - Performing to adults
Thursday -
Friday - Suitable party/own clothes
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Rudkin and the ho-ho-happy RR team!