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Chawson First School

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Pupil Premium

Pupil premium is an additional funding grant from the government which supports schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children and narrow the difference between these children and their peers and to ensure that children reach their full potential.


Children who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding are those who:

   1. Are entitled to Free School Meals and/or

   2. Are Looked After Children and/or

   3. Children of active Military Service Personnel.


Schools decide how the Pupil Premium funding is spent following review and assessments of the children’s needs and barriers to learning. Not all children who receive Free School Meals (FSM) need support in all areas of their learning. Therefore, the money is targeted towards priority classes, groups or individuals throughout the year. This means that not all of the children will receive extra intervention work at all times during the year. 


At Chawson First School, we use evidence-based approaches as our starting point when selecting our approaches to intervention and apply them to our specific school context.  We invest a proportion of the funding to ensure that effective teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of its pupils.


We take a three-tiered approach to using the Pupil Premium Grant:

Tier 1   

Quality first teaching for all children

Tier 2   

Targeted group intervention work for children identified as needing extra teaching support for a particular area or gap in learning.

Tier 3   

Specific 1:1 work for children who need greater support or reteaching and practice to develop their skills and understanding.


This year we have a three-year progressive strategy plan which will be reviewed and evaluated each year to establish the impact of the provision. From this we will ensure that our spending is effective and meets the needs of the children and will make alterations to the actions for the following year where needed. 


Last year we received £127,660 additional funding to support the children.


 For those Pupil premium children in Years 3 and 4,they will also be entitled to receive a free hot school dinner.



To make an application  through the portal (as admissions), click the link below to access the appropriate form.


To find out more about applying for Free school Meals click below-
