Week 4 - Farm Special
Our Farm Trip
On Wednesday we went on our first school trip! The children loved the coach journey and spent their time looking for animals on the way there and trying to stay awake on the way home.

Making Bread
The children found out that the farm grows wheat which tied in beautifully to our current story in Literacy which is The Little Red Hen. The farm team of Sophie and Lucy told us about the ingredients and popped it all into the bread maker. At that moment an inquisitive Little Red Hen popped into the barn - perhaps she knew we were talking about her?

Meeting the sheep
The farm has a small herd of sheep. We found out about the different breeds and met all the lambs. Because lots of the ewes have had triplets we were able to bottle feed some of them including everyone's favourite Larry!
Lunch, butter and running!
After a thorough hand wash we munched our lunch, made a pat of butter by shaking a jar of cream and then had a run around on a huge field.
The tractor!
The children were so excited to have a sit in one of the fabulous tractors.

Meeting the cows
Then it was off to the cow shed to meet the herd of cows and see all the tiny calves that have been born recently.