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Chawson First School

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Week 4 & 5

We have continued to explore light and dark, shadows and the difference between day and night. Learning the story of ‘Peace at Last’ encouraged us to repeat the phrase ‘I can’t stand this’ as the Daddy bear couldn’t get to sleep. This also helped us to learn about different sounds we might hear at night time.


In maths, we are learning to recognise the numeral 5 and count to 5. We have been searching for numerals mixed in slime, paint a hand print of 5 and practice our counting skills through play.


As it will be Valentines Day during half term, we have enjoyed pretending to sell flowers, heart chocolates and teddy bears in our shop.


Surprisingly we found a frog outside! We were very careful at looking at it and discussing the frog before letting it go back into the forest area.
