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Chawson First School

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Week 6

Signs of Autumn


This week we have started looking at the season Autumn. We found out that there are many different types of weather, which has been very true in the past week, and we learnt about some trees losing their leaves and some trees dropping their seeds such as conkers, acorns and sycamore - helicopters. We have enjoyed playing with conkers inside and outside the classroom and sorting them into different numbered amounts, rolling and weighing


The colour monster - calm

In reception we have been reading the story The colour Monster to try and help us identify our feelings and begin to understand how they feel  and what we can do to return us to a state of calm. Calm is green - when we are calm we are happy and making good choices. This week we made some calm art.

Fine motor fun!

Strengthening our pincer grip is very important. This week we have used lego blocks, peg boards, hole punches and threaded beads on pipe cleaners to name a few!

This week's sounds

This week we have focused on the phonemes e, u and r. We have learnt our first diagraph too. A diagraph is when two letters make one sound. We have learnt ck.

Thank you to all the parents for practising these sounds at home too. It really makes such a difference.

Number 4

In maths this week we have been practising our subitising skills. Subitising is looking at an arrangement of dots or objects and knowing what the number is without counting. In reception we have been subitising patterns of up to 3. We have also been looking at the composition and ways that 4 can be made.

Bikes and more!

This week we have used hand bikes and wheeled walkers. We had great fun getting to grips with both of them. We have also been making obstacle courses to challenge our balance too.

This week

Thank you to all of you for coming along to parent's evening. It has been wonderful to speak to you all and of course let you know about all the amazing things we have been learning. Please ask if you have any questions or need any support in any way. If I don't know the answer I'm sure I can point you in the direction of one of the Chawson team who can.


Thank you for all your help with reading at home too. 


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Rudkin and the fabulous RR team
