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Chawson First School

Get in touch

Week 4

Welcome to RBS 


Welcome to the first edition of RBS' weekly blog. This is where parents/carers will find out what has been happening in Class RBS each week. 


The children have been absolute superstars during their first four weeks of school. It has been lovely to see so many happy faces each morning smiley


Here are a selection of some photos taken during the first couple of weeks. 

Reading Morning 


A big thank you to all parents/carers who attended the reading workshop on Monday. If you'd like to find out more about the phonics scheme that we use (Little Wandle), click on the link below: 


Little Wandle Parent Page


We have learnt the following 8 phonemes (sounds) so far: 

Read with me!


This week we are sending home a book from our class 'Read with me box'. This is a story book for you to share with your child and for you to read to them.  These books are chosen by the children on a Friday - please return by the following Friday to receive a different one for the next weekend.

This week we have been reading... 


Our key text this week has been Funny Bones. The children have really enjoyed getting to know the characters in the story!



Have a great weekend!


Class RBS
