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Chawson First School

Caring, sharing, learning together

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Week 1

Welcome back

This half term we will be looking at our topic called Come Outside. We will be looking at farming including farm animals and vehicles. The children are really excited about our trip to the farm in a few weeks too.

I can paint a rainbow

This week Mrs Rushton taught everybody how to use watercolour paint. The children did an amazing job of painting a rainbow including mixing colours to make purple!

Can you build your name?

The children really enjoyed using our letter blocks this week to build their own names. 

Maths in action!

This week we have been looking at numbers within 10 and the parts that make them altogether. We use the sentence stem ____and ___more make ___altogether. The children were challenged to find collections of 7 objects. 5 and 2 more make 7 altogether. On the light box children were challenged to name and fill the shapes.

Awards this week

Reading, Art wall and our weekly Aspirational, Articulate and Independent awards


After the phonics assessments this week we have popped a sheet into reading book records to let you know if they need any extra support with any particular sounds. We will be looking at them in school and it would be fantastic if you could support them at home too. 


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Rudkin and the awesome RR team
