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Yr 3 week 4

Friday Greetings to 3H from Mrs P!

3C Weekly TT Rockstars update (data from Monday-Friday)

Child with the highest number of correct answers: Sinead Richards - 1,031

Children with the most coins earned top 3: 

1. Sinead Richards - 9,876

2. Victoria Gutfranska - 7,970

3. Lucas Latham - 5,873

Highest average time played each day: Sinead Richards: 11 minutes each day. 

Wow Sinead, how amazing! You are working very hard on your times tables so well done! A big well done to Victoria and Lucas too! I wonder who will be top of the leaderboard next week?

Chapters 16 and 17 of Code Name Bananas

Morning Friday part 1

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Morning Friday part 2

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Friday Y3 Maths 29.01.21

Mrs Nicholson WW2_

Good Morning Thursday Y3

A True Story - Mr Kelham's Grandpa's narrow escape in WW2

Thursday Y3 Literacy

Thursday Y3 Maths

morning greeting -Wednesday

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Wednesday Literacy 27.01.21

Let's start our stories!

Wednesday's Maths 27.01

Mrs Nicholson - Make do and Mend

Good morning Tuesday

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Battle of Britain and Literacy

History of the Battle of Britain and links to videos to watch. Then use this new knowledge in your story plan.

Tuesday Maths Y3

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Maths - Printables Tuesday

Morning greeting 1 Monday

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To be continued...

Morning greeting 2 Monday

... and the rest.

apologies for the angle. A result of enjoying the snow!

Monday 25th January Daily Timetable Y3

Monday Literacy

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Chapter 14 and 15 of Code Name Bananas
