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Chawson First School

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Week 2

Running races, singing songs and other fun

What a busy week. It certainly doesn't feel like summer and although we excitedly came to school in our school trainers on Monday the grass was too wet for us to run on. We were all really disappointed but managed to set up some races in the hall instead. Sports day is Friday 5th July - time to be confirmed.

Wonderful writing

This week we decided to design a poster to catch the Naughty Bus, from the story of the same name. We had to think about his appearance, the way he moves and his crimes. The children created and then wrote some amazing sentences.

Outside continuous provision

We managed to get outside and explored the kitchen, making delicious petal soup and painted pictures of transport. 

Naughty bus

In the story the naughty bus drives through the beans. We decided to drive our cars through the beans too!

Number bonds

In reception children need to know their number bonds to 5. These are 0+5=5, 1+4=5, 2+3=5, 4+1=5, 5+0=5. They also need to recall some to 10. This week we have been making the bonds using cubes.

Join the animal train!

The children all looked amazing in their costumes on Friday. What a wonderful selection of animals. The children requested a picture from the front and the back! They quite rightly said that many of the costumes had tails that needed to be shown off - I agree.

Music festival

We sang, danced, slithered like snakes, jumped like frogs, slept like dormice and  had great fun with the parachute. A wonderful morning was had by all.

Other news

Hopefully the weather will be kind and we can get out onto the field for our PE lesson.

Monday - PE please wear trainers. 


The blog will be taking a short break but will resume for a round up in the last week. 

In the meantime please look back over some of the previous weeks - your children have really grown as learners this year and its wonderful to reflect on their activities this year.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend

Enjoy Fathers Day


Mrs Rudkin and the musical RR team!
