Week 4
Penguins, campfires and bikes!
What a wonderful week we have had. The children have worked really hard taking part in some maths assessment with Mrs Rushton looking at our number knowledge up to 6. I hvve been looking at the children's progress in their scissor skills and have been really impressed at how they are improving.
This week we have focused on finding out about penguins - particularly the Emperor penguin as it lives in Antarctica. We found out that they can eat 2kg of fish, shrimp and krill so we borrowed some weights and scales from the maths cupboard to find out how heavy that felt. We discovered that they look after their egg for over 2 months by placing it on their feet. This was really difficult!

Outside play
This week we have enjoyed building repeating colour patterns, balancing on stilts and throwing and catching.

This week we had our first campfire. The children had demonstrated that they were ready by showing brilliant fire circle safety. We lit the fire and enjoyed watching it before going off to make our own fires in Forest School.
The children were amazing again this week. Luckily the weather was kind and we all stayed nice and dry this week. Everyone has made progress and we had a few more try out the pedal bikes this week. Fantastic!
Phonics - we've learnt all our Reception sounds
We are so excited as we have now learnt all our reception sounds, individual sounds, diagraphs and trigraphs. Now we are working hard to embed them into our memory and use them in reading and writing.
Also this week...
We have played with oobleck, designed mosaic hats, explored number and discovered that the My Little Ponies have magnetic feet!

Toy talks
Over the last few weeks we have been thinking about what makes a good toy talk. We decided that it needs to contain these 3 features. Name your toy, describe what it looks like or what it does and then share an interesting fact about it. Last week's homework was to choose what they wanted to bring in and plan what they are going to say.
Please look out for the slips telling you which day to bring your toy in. Reminders will also be on the window.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Rudkin and the fabulous RR team