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Chawson First School

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Week 4

This week we introduced The Gingerbread Man. We focused on the repeated phrases ‘run, run as fast as you can’. We also had lots of opportunities to learn about baking. We had play dough fun with real dough, rolling pins and weighing scales. We also made gingerbread men cookies as a class, having the experience of smelling the ginger and then tasting the gingerbread for snack, yummy!


We also had our own Pre-school bakery, where we used our imaginations to buy and sell many different bakery items such as cakes, bread, cookies and biscuits.

In maths we moved on from subitising 2 to recognising the numeral 2 and counting out 2. We also learnt the song ‘Two little dickie birds’ using our hands to act out the traditional rhyme.


At the end of the week we had our official Pre-school opening. Thank you to those who were able to make this celebration. The children were then visited by older children in the school so that they too could see the building and play with the Pre-schoolers. What fun we all had!
