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Chawson First School

Get in touch

Week 1

Week 1


This week we welcomed our Pre-schoolers into the new Pre-school building.

The children have settled even better than we could have imagined. Thank you to all of the parents for their support in settling the children in their first week. It has been lovely to meet new families and welcome back our current families from the previous Busy Bees group.


The children have been learning where their peg and tray is, where to keep and find their water bottle and of course the toilets! They have all taken part in group snack time, tidy up time and group story time on the carpet- wow!


The children were introduced to Chawson Bear during carpet sessions, our pre-school mascot teddy. The children have also been encouraged to access the resources around Pre-school and have been supported in how to use them.


Next week, we look forward to reading ‘Spot goes on holiday’ and discussing what we like to do in this warm weather, whether it is eating ice-creams, playing in a paddling pool or having fun in the garden.

