Autumn 2 - Week 1
Welcome Back!
I hope that you are all feeling well rested after the half term. The children have settled back into our routine amazingly well and I'm really proud of them.
This half term will will continue to learn a new phoneme each day for 4 days and then review what we have learnt on the 5th day. You can continue to support your child at home by reviewing the sheet that is sent home with the home learning book on Friday. Saying the sounds and reading the words together.
This week we have learnt the diagraphs ff, ll and ss and the phoneme j.
Thank you to all of you that are supporting your child with reading at home. It really does support the children. Please only record the books that your child reads to you and not the story books that you read to them. Every 5 reads gets a sticker and a stamp in their record book and 15 reads receives a certificate like these!

Fireworks and The Gunpowder Plot
This week we have been learning about the Gunpowder Plot to explain why we celebrate the 5th November. We created mini bonfires and had great fun making fireworks from shapes, painting, drawing and of course watching some amazing displays too.
We have been learning about why people wear poppies and creating poppies of our own using playdoh, paint and glue.

Thank you to Mrs Bull who made these beautiful poppies for all the staff and children to wear.
Other news
We will continue taking part in PE and Forest School on a Monday. Children are able to wear hats and gloves as the weather gets colder but not scarves due to Forest School rules.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Rudkin and the fantastic RR team