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Chawson First School

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Week 9

'Snow much fun!' 

The children have had a lovely week in Class RB this week, continuing their learning about Antarctica. The snow definitely helped inspire the children about our topic 'Frozen Planet'. 

Antarctic Explorers 

The children have enjoyed learning about Ernest Shackleton this week and discovered that he was a famous explorer from a long time ago. We also looked at some snow shoes from the past and the children loved guessing what the object could be. We spoke about how people in the past would use snow shoes to travel around in the snow. 

Forest School 

The children really enjoyed looking for new signs of growth in forest school this week. We have Daffodils and blossom! We spoke about how some trees are now unfolding new leaves as Spring approaches. The children have been observing the Daffodils each week and were very excited to see them come to life!

Show and Tell 

The children have loved having the opportunity to talk about their favourite soft toy. They have been practising speaking in front of others, using a big and clear voice. 

Have a great weekend!


Mr Bartle and the RB team 
