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Chawson First School

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Last Week - Week 7

Our Last Week Together!

Doesn't it feel like yesterday that your children started their first year of school? Looking back on the photos I am so proud to have been a part of such an amazing journey.


This week we have had so much fun. The children have chosen to play with some of their favourite things including the cars and the blocks. The light table and maths equipment were chosen too. They have been drawing, writing and creating and doing everything with huge smiles on their faces.


They have been brilliant audience members for the Year 2 performance and the the Year 4 Leavers assembly too.

Trim Trail Fun

On our last PE lesson we took turns to run races and try out the trim trail on the field.

Blocks and building

The children have been so imaginative with their creations. Its been amazing to watch them create together this week.

Ooey Gooey Fun

This week the children enjoyed playing with gellibaff and fish and also jelly and dinosaurs!

Also this week...

Lightbox fun, bug hunting, yoga balances, creating, colouring and reading!

Thank You

Thank you for all your support this year. I have loved working in partnership with you all.


Have a wonderful holiday - hopefully we'll get to use our sun hats again and not the wellies!


Mrs Rudkin and the supportive RR Team
