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Chawson First School

Caring, sharing, learning together

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Week 2

Week 2


This week, we have been learning through the topic of THIS IS ME! We started the week by sharing the story, We’ve All Got Bellybuttons by David Martin. The children enjoyed joining in with the story. For example, we learnt we all have hands to clap with, we all have mouths to open wide, and we all have feet to stomp, and lots of other similarities.


As the week went on, this prompted us to think about what is unique and different about us all. We enjoyed looking at our faces in the mirrors and recreating our portraits through different media. We enjoyed colouring, drawing, painting, printing, making play dough faces, cutting and sticking face pictures, as well as decorating biscuit faces!


In our maths carpet sessions, we have been learning to count from 1-5. We listened to and learnt the words to the song ‘Here is the beehive’ with actions to go along with it. Your children may remember how to perform this to you at home.


On Thursday and Friday, we enjoyed our first visit to Forest school. We learnt the rules of forest school and found base camp. Our aim was to explore forest school using our eyes and ears this week. The children listened to the rules very well and loved exploring the natural area.

We are lucky to be able to use the school hall for our PE sessions. This week, the children were introduced to the school hall, where we played some fun games.


Next week, we will continue our theme of THIS IS ME, discussing our likes and dislikes as well as continuing to explore the different areas in Pre-school and around the school grounds.
