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Chawson First School

Caring, sharing, learning together

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Week 7

Love is all around us...

This week we have explored the theme of love and kindness. The children have explored the traditions of Valentines Day but more importantly we have shared the message of being kind everyday and being thankful for those that we love.

Love Potions

In forest school this week we made 'love Potions' just like the Kindness fairies. We added a pinch of 'thank yous', a sprinkle of 'please', a scoop of 'hugs' and a drop or two of kind words. The children all enjoyed adding their own things to their potions.

All you need is love

Back in the classroom we decided to make more potions as we have so much fun in Forest School. We have printed roses, made cards and collages. We have made treats out of playdough and cute love bugs too. We loved exploring the water beads and filling the containers with them. A fabulously creative week.

Heavy or light?

This week in maths we have explored weight. We have learnt the phrases heavy and light and compared items in the class. We have used a pair of weighing scales to see which objects are the heaviest and which are the lightest.

Shrove Tuesday

This week we have been writing instructions for Mr Wolf from the book Mr Wolf's Pancakes. We have learnt how to make them and discovered that you can make them flat and round and roll them up or smaller and fluffy. Below is a Jamie Oliver recipe video of the American style pancakes with some optional added fruit.

Sharing a story

This week we have been sharing a very special story. It is on a quilt that was made by an Australian lady called Margaret for her Grandson Zac. When Zac and his family returned to Australia after living in the UK and working for the Royal Navy they gifted it to Mrs Rudkin's son Isaac. We have loved reading about all the different animals and now want to find out more about them.

Half term

We hope you all have a wonderful half term. 

See you on Monday 27th February

Mrs Rudkin and the upstanding RR team
