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Chawson First School

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Week 4

Goodbye Autumn


Its been another busy week in Reception. We've had our hearing tested and tested out our voices. We've started learning our Nativity songs and I'm already spontaneously bursting out into song both at school and home! 


Using our voice

This week we learnt all about voice projection in order to help us retell the story of the Three Little Pigs. We practised speaking loudly and clearly. Here we are using 'Talking Teddy' to take turns to speak in a circle (square)



Ways to make 4 and 5

This week we really enjoyed learning about the ways to make 4 and 5. We watched the Numberblocks 'Stampoline' episode and had lots of fun recreated the patterns in blocks,  paint and paper.

Phonics this week

This week we learnt the last of our Phase 2 sounds. Over the next few weeks we will be consolidating our learning and I will be assessing the children to help us support their next steps. Thank you to those parents who are supporting their children with this through phonics cards and reading practise. They are really making fabulous progress.

Also this week...

We have enjoying feeding the money box with lots of coins, drawing houses, learning about types of homes and having lots of fun.


Even though the weather has become a little colder we are still going outside to play during continuous provision and at lunchtimes. I have started wearing a warmer coat and gloves and the children are welcome to wear gloves and hats too.

We are starting to learn the songs for our Nativity. Parts and tickets will be sent home next week. All costumes are provided. 


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Rudkin and the creative RR team
